Raynald Bornier - Cabinet ARGYMA - IP Industrial Property Attorney
- Protection strategy
- Portfolio Management
- Prior art search
- Drafting of patent applications
- Obtaining patents (all countries)
- Freedom to operate
- Infringement
- Contracts
- Electricity and electronics (electrical engineering, instrumentation, sensors, embedded systems, circuits and microelectronics, spacecraft)
- Smart networks and devices (connected objects, big data, prediction, neural networks, IA)
- Computer (computer-implemented inventions) and robots
- Mechatronics and automatic
- Mechanics (automotive, agriculture, viticulture, machinery, tools, parts, optics, common equipment)
- Sustainable development (wind, solar, hydrogen)
- Health (medical and paramedical devices)
- Master of Science and Engineering, Electronics and Signal Processing (ENSEEIHT)
- Master of Science, Electronic Instrumentation Systems (UMIST)
- CEIPI (Patents), Robert Schumann University, Strasbourg
- European Patent Attorney
- French Patent Attorney
- Bachelor of Law Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Master in Business Law Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- French National Company of Industrial Property Attorneys (CNCPI)
- European Patent Institute (EPI)
- EQE Examination Committee, Munich
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