The opposition procedure makes it possible, without initiating legal proceedings, for any third party to contest fully or partially the granting of a patent by the INPI, just like the similar provisions in other countries within the European Patent Office. The aim is to make it easier to challenge invalid titles.
This right of opposition makes it possible for any third party to request the partial or total revocation of a granted patent which it considers invalid with regard to the conditions for granting a patent, namely, in particular:
- Novelty: the technical solution presented must not form part of the state of the art available at the time of filing;
- Inventive step: it must not be obvious to a person skilled in the art in the light of the state of the art;
- Industrial applicability;
- Not be excluded from patentability by law (e.g. scientific discoveries).
The opponent can also file an opposition if the invention is not sufficiently described in the patent.
The time-limit for filing opposition is 9 months following publication of the notice of grant in the BOPI.
Following proceedings before the INPI involving both parties, the patent can be revoked partially or totally, or maintained in amended form or identical to the initial filing. This decision can be appealed in the Court of Appeal of Paris.
New French Patent Law
New French Patent Law The new French Patent Law targets to...