Skilled experts at your service

Our services

The ARGYMA firm brings together Industrial Property Attorneys (IPC), specialized in patents, competent in many technical fields (mechanics, aeronautics, telecommunications, IT, electronics, etc.) and Industrial Property Attorneys, specialized in trademarks, competent in many industries (wine, fashion, luxury, cosmetics, etc.).

Discover our services
Service Marque

Brand analysis

the ARGYMA firm analyzes the sign and the wording of the products and services to be protected in order to know the chances of obtaining a valid trademark.

Service brevet


A patentability study allows you to determine the chances of obtaining a patent for your invention within the most demanding countries.

Service strategie


Anticipating the costs of protection allows you to establish a relevant business plan and to value your inventions and creations at the right price.

Service droit

defend your rights

A patent, trademark or design obtained, the ARGYMA firm defends your rights by monitoring or analyzing your competitors.

Last news

Best wishes for 2025!

Dear Clients and Partners, As 2024 is over, we wish to take a moment to express our gratitude for the trust and confidence you have placed in us. It has been a privilege to assist you with your legal and Intellectual Property matters. As we step into 2025, we wish you a year filled with ...

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Romania: the unitary effect comes into force in an 18th European State

From September 1, 2024, the unitary effect of a European patent will extend to Romania. Owners of issued European patents will, however, still have the possibility of carrying out national validation in Romania. By requesting a unitary effect, there will be no need to provide the translation of the patent into Romanian language, whereas this ...

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By Guillaume MILCENT | The 3 June 2024

Patents and liquidation

When a company faces financial difficulties, it may be placed in liquidation and forced to sell its assets, including its patents. In practice, patents are auctioned during a liquidation process by a judicial officer. Patents can be sold in packages or individually, depending on the circumstances. The organization of the packages can also be part ...

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By Guillaume MILCENT | The 10 May 2024

CNIPA - Restoration of a priority claim

On December 21, 2023, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) announced the permissibility of restoring a priority claim, effective from January 20, 2024. The restoration process aligns with patent examination guidelines, encompassing the following conditions: Notably, the new examination guideline does not explicitly specify whether CNIPA will consider the “due care” criterion or the ...

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EPO : The END of "the ten-day rule"

Starting from November 1, 2023, the “ten-day rule” of the European Patent Office will be abolished. This rule stated that documents issued by the EPO were considered served ten days after the date they bear. This allowed for the time required for postal delivery to be taken into account. As the majority of documents are ...

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By Claire DIVO | The 23 February 2023

Unitary Patent let’s go !

Germany has ratified the UPC Agreement on February 17, 2023, according to which the Agreement will enter into force on June 1, 2023 ! ...

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Why choose Argyma ?


Delighted customers


Certificate in management


Protected countries


Brands in management

They testify


We filed patents with the firm and each time i have been satisfied => unbeatable quality/price wise and very flexible


Thank you for good job in connection with the restoration


Thank you for our exchanges and professionalism!!! Very happy to have worked with you again


Bravo to the whole team!!!


Thank you for this first project that i found to be of quality.